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, 05 de fevereiro de 2025.
Acta Cumulative Index
Acta Cumulative Index

Cumulative Index for Volumes 1-7
December 1998 through December 2004

Acta Medica Misericordiæ
ISSN 1809-3299


Alba C, see Ferreira SC.

Alves KV, see Cardoso LA.

Almeida MAS, see Bernardes CHA.

Almeida MC, see Fernandes JEV.

Amorim NFG, see Pitanguy I.

Araujo SEA, Crescentini F, Habr-Gama A, Kiss DR, Gama- Rodrigues J, Ianhez LE: Massive digestive hemorrhage due to intestinal tuberculosis after renal transplantation. Case report. 2002; 5:7-11.

Augusto JCA, see Bernardes CHA.

Assaad AN, see Nascimento AP.

Azevedo FA, see Nogueira CS.

Ballerini ESM. Friendship. 2000; 3(suppl):11.

Ballerini FA, see Neves ML.

Barbosa JLC, see Neves ML.

Barroso RC, Duncan LLA, Perali R, Caldeira FP: Esophageal leiomyoma: a case report. 2004; 7:16-17.

Bastos RGS, see Dal Secchi MM.

Bernardes CHA, Santos LA, Camilotti LP: Subclavian steal syndrome: Case report. 1999; 2:38-41.

Bernardes CHA, Camargo VIT, Almeida MAS, Freitas MCS, Garcia MFMA: White atrophy with gangrene of the toe: A case report. 1998; 1:14-16.

Bernardes CHA, Regis FAC: Value of carotid endarterectomy in patients aged over 60 years. 2000; 3:36-39.

Bernardes CHA, Silva AR, Ramos CR, Augusto JCA, Louro KFN:  Comparative study between Dacron prosthesis and internal safenous vein graft in above-knee femoro-popliteal bypass. 2003; 6:9-12.

Bernardes CHA, see Neves ML.

Caldeira FP, see Barroso RC

Camargo VIT, see Bernardes CHA.

Cardoso KT, see Cardoso LA.

Cardoso LA, Santos MR, Kelsch MWS, Cardoso LT: Surgical treatment of penile and scrotal lymphedema. 1998; 1:17-19.

Cardoso LA, Carvalho PM, Kohatsu EM, Cardoso KT, Alves KV, Souza TL: A new surgical option for Romberg’s Disease. 2000; 3:32-35.

Cardoso LA, see Nogueira CS.

Cardoso LT, see Cardoso LA.

Carvalho PM, see Cardoso LA.

Carvalho GTC, see Fagundes-Pereira WJ.

César JAM, see Ponte JL.

Chayamiti MCL, see Dal Secchi MM.

Coelho CA, see Grottone JC.

Coelho LB, see Dal Secchi MM.

Conde CK, see Garcia EA.

Costa RR, see Martins FP.

Crescentini F, see Araujo SEA.

Dal Secchi MM, Bastos RGS, Finamori CMJ, Coelho LB, Chayamiti MCL: Ramsay Hunt syndrome: case report. 2000; 3:65-67.

Dedivitis RA, Guimarães AV: Antibiotic prophylaxis in head and neck cancer surgery. 2000; 3:28-31.

Duncan LLA, see Barroso RC.

Fagundes-Pereyra WJ, Carvalho GTC, Gianetti A, Souza AA: Cerebral tuberculoma: Report of two cases. 1999; 2:80-84.

Fernandes JEV, Almeida MC, Notaroberto S, Rodrigues Jr A, Pataro L: Extra-hepatic manifestations of viral hepatitis C: case report. 2001; 4:26-28.

Fernandez VV, see Neves ML.

Ferreira SC, Poletto FM, Ghedini G, Alba C: Criteria of instability in thoracic and lumbar spine fractures. 1998; 1:29-32.

Finamori CMJ, see Dal Secchi MM.

Freitas MCS, see Bernardes CHA.

Gama-Rodrigues J, see Araujo SEA.

Garcia EA, Conde CK: Bilateral intraocular cysticercosis: A
case report. 1998; 1:20-23.

Garcia EA, see Melo MAP.

Garcia MFMA, see Bernardes CHA.

Ghedini G, see Ferreira SC.

Ghedini G, see Sgarbi MWM.

Gianetti A, see Fagundes-Pereira WJ.

Grottone JC, Tuzzi EP, Coelho CA, Grottone GT: Ophthalmology and citizenship: Results of the project “Solidarity in Vision” in the country-side of the state of Pernambuco. 1999; 2:34-37.

Grottone GT, see Grottone JC.

 Guedes DR, see Neves ML.

Guimarães AV, see Dedivitis RA.

Habr-Gama A, see Araujo SEA.

Ianhez LE, see Araujo SEA.

Ivamoto HS: Acta Medica Misericordiæ, dedicated to the Santas Casas. 1998; 1:5-6.

Ivamoto HS: The Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santos: Historical synopsis. 1998; 1:7-10.

Ivamoto HS, Morales R, Ivamoto LS, Vieira de Souza ESM: The Santas Casas da Misericórdia: Five centuries of philanthropy. 1998; 1:11- 13.

Ivamoto HS, Nogueira CS: Message to the physicians of the Santas Casas da Misericórdia. 1998; 1:36.

Ivamoto HS: Acta Medica Misericordiæ, journal of the Misericordian medical community. 1999; 2:6-7.

Ivamoto HS: The Acta Medica Misericordiæ. 1999; 2:12-16.

Ivamoto HS: Victor Vallejo Fernandez, sixty two years of  Misericordian medicine. 1999; 2:24-26.

Ivamoto HS, Nogueira CS: To the Misericordian medical community. 1999; 2:42-43.

Ivamoto HS: Acta Medica Misericordiæ, integrating the Santas Casas. 1999; 2:45-49.

Ivamoto HS, Nogueira CS, Morales R: The World United by the Misericórdias in Santos. 1999; 2:50-57.

Ivamoto HS: The Misericórdias at the end of the millenium. 1999; 2:58-62.
Ivamoto HS: Madame Curie and the French Academy of
Sciences. 1999; 2:89-90.

Ivamoto HS: Half a millenium of Misericordian science, history, philosophy and art. 2000; 3:2-6.

Ivamoto HS, Nogueira CS, Morales R: The Fifth Brazilian Congress of the History of Medicine at the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santos. 2000; 3(suppl):3-6.

Ivamoto HS: The Fifth Brazilian Congress of the History of Medicine at the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santos. 2000. 3:42-50.

Ivamoto HS. Polemics: the poetry of Martins Fontes. 2000; 3(suppl):9-10.

Ivamoto HS. A benefactor for the Acta Medica Misericordiae. 2000; 3(suppl):12-13.

Ivamoto HS. The Barra Grande Fortress, Santos bay major jewel. 2000; 3(suppl):14-16.

Ivamoto HS. Red Wind in Santos estuary. 2000; 3(suppl):17-20.

Ivamoto HS: Old images of the hospital of the Misericórdia de Santos and their artists. 2001; 4:2-17.

Ivamoto HS: The Santas Casas da Misericórdia. 2001; 4:31.

Ivamoto HS: The Divine Art. 2002; 5:2-6.

Ivamoto HS: The Day of the Misericórdias. 2002; 5:12-17.

Ivamoto HS: A Nobel Peace Prize for the Santas Casas da
Misericórdia. 2003; 6:2-8.

Ivamoto HS: Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santos, the oldest Brazilian hospital. 2003; 6:13-24.

Ivamoto HS: The humanist referential landmarks of the Santas Casas da Misericórdia. 2004; 7: 2-6.

Ivamoto HS, see Neves ML.

Ivamoto LS, see Ivamoto HS.

Kelsch MWS, see Cardoso LA.

Kelsch MWS, see Nogueira CS.

Kiss R, see Araujo SEA.

Kohatsu EM, see Cardoso LA.

Lacaz CS: Opening speech for the Fifth Brazilian Congress of the History of Medicine. 2000; 3:51-54.

Lacaz CS: Braz Cubas, Leonor of Lencastre, the seamen and the Lusitanian Misericórdias. 2000; 3:55-58.

Lemos HPJr: A study of the efficacy and tolerability of sibutramine in obese patients. 2000; 3:68-71.

Linhares J: 500 yers - The World United by the Misericórdias. 2000;3: 10-14.

Lintz JE, see Pitanguy I.

Louro KFN, see Bernardes CHA.

Malatesta R, see Rodrigues J.

Malheiros F: The Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Porto. 2000; 3:15-24.

Martins FP, Resende AP, Tubúrcio AEL, Peixoto RN, Costa RS: Laparoscopic splenectomy. 1999; 2:85-88.

Melo MAP, Garcia EA: Chandler maneuver following peribulbar anesthesia for reduction of intraocular pressure in facectomy. 2001; 4:29-31.

Moraes AENeto, see Pitanguy I.

Morales R: Women physicians in the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santos. 1998; 1:24-25.

Morales R, see Ivamoto HS.

Morales R, see Neves ML.

Naim AA, see Nascimento AP.

Nascimento AP, Naim AA: A post-abdominoplasty complication
case. 1998; 1:33-35.

Neves ML, Ballerini FA: Message to the presidents of the Santas Casas da Misericórdia. 1998; 1:37.

Neves ML, Nogueira CS, Ivamoto HS, Garcia J, Morales R, Ballerini FA, Santos MA, Barbosa JLC, Fernandez VV, Nostre Jr A, Bernardes CHA, Guedes DR: The launch of Acta Medica Misericordiæ. 1999; 2:8-11.

Neves ML: 500 anos – O Mundo Unido pelas Misericórdias. 1999; 2:43.
Neves ML: Welcome message to the Congress. 2000; 3(suppl):1-2.

Neves ML, see Ponte JL.

Nogueira CS, Sudano GLLA, Cardoso LA, Azevedo FA, Peláez OF, Santos MR, Kelsch MWS: Submental route for tracheal intubation in maxillofacial surgery. 1999; 2:27-29.

Nogueira CS, see Ivamoto HS.

Nostre Jr A, see Neves ML.

Notaroberto S, see Fernandes JEV.

Pataro L, see Fernandes JEV.

Paulino Netto A: Professor Augusto Paulino and the Misericórdia of Rio de Janeiro. 1999; 2:21-23.

Paulino Netto A, Porto J, Santos OR: History of the National Academy of Medicine. 2004; 7: 7-10.

Peixoto RN, see Martins FP.

Peláez OF, see Nogueira CS.

Perali R, see Barroso RC.

Pereira IA, see Ponte JL.

Pinto WC Filho: The Santa Casa de Misericórdia of São Paulo. 2000; 3:25-27.

Pitanguy I, Salgado F, Radwanski HN: Principles of reduction mammaplasty: Experience in the 38th Infirmary of the Santa Casa da Misericórida of Rio de Janeiro. 1999; 2:72-79.

Pitanguy I, Radwanski HN, Amorim NFG, Lintz JE, Moraes AE Neto: The use of tissue expanders in burn sequelae. 2000; 3:59-64.

Poletto FM, see Ferreira SC.

Ponte JL, Pereira IA, César JAM, Neves ML: World Congress of the Misericórdias in Santos: Message for the XXI Century and the Third Millenium. 2000; 3:7-9.

Porto J, see Paulino Netto.

Radwanski HN, see Pitanguy I.

Ramos CR, see Bernardes CHA.

Regis FAC, see Bernardes CHA.

Resende AP, see Martins FP.

Rodrigues Jr A, see Fernandes JEV.

Rodrigues J, Malatesta R: Ciliated cells of the middle ear mucosa: Scanning electron microscopy. 1998; 1:26-28.

Salgado F, see Pitanguy I.

Santos MA, see Neves ML.

Santos MR, see Cardoso LA.

Santos OR, see Paulino Netto.

Sgarbi MWM, Ghedini G, Zamoner E: Bridging plate in comminuted fractures of the femur. 1999; 2:30-33.

Silva AR, see Bernardes CHA. Silva MF: The Misericórdias at the heart of history. 2001; 4:18- 25.

Sobral FJA: History of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia of  Coimbra. 2004; 7:11-15.

Souza AA, see Fagundes-Pereira WJ.
Souza TL, see Cardoso LA.

Sudano GLLA, see Nogueira CS.

Tubúrcio AEL, see Martins FP.

Tuzzi EP, see Grottone JC.

Vieira de Souza ESM, see Ivamoto HS.

Zamoner E, see Sgarbi MWM.

Zarur DC: The Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Rio de Janeiro. 1999; 2:17-20.


Academies and Institutes:
History of the National Academy of Medicine (Paulino Netto) 2004; 7:7-10.

A study of the efficacy and tolerability of sibutramine in obese patients (Lemos) 2000; 3:68-71.

Anesthesia, local:
Chandler maneuver following peribulbar anesthesia for reduction of intraocular pressure in facectomy (Melo) 2001; 4:29-31.

Antibiotic Prophylaxis:
Antibiotic Prophylaxis in head and neck cancer surgery (Dedivitis) 2000; 3:28-31.

Appetite depressants:
A study of the efficacy and tolerability of sibutramine in obese patients (Lemos) 2000; 3:68-71.

Arterial occlusive diseases.
White atrophy with gangrene on the toe: A case report (Bernardes) 1998; 1:14-16.

Subclavian steal syndrome: Case report (Bernardes) 1999; 2:38-41.

Value of carotid endarterectomy in patients aged over 60 yers
(Bernardes) 2000; 3:36-39.

World Congress of the Misericórdias in Santos: Message for the XXI Century and the Third Millenium (Ponte) 2000; 3:7-9.

The humanist referential landmarks of the Santas Casas da
Misericórdia (Ivamoto) 2004; 7:2-6.

Cerebral tuberculoma: Report of two cases (Fagundes-Pereyra) 1999; 2:80-84.

Blood vessel prosthesis:
Comparative study between Dacron prosthesis and internal safenous vein graft in above-knee femoro-popliteal bypass (Bernardes). 2003; 6:9-12.

Principles of reduction mammaplasty: Experience in the 38th Infirmary of the Santa Casa da Misericórida of Rio de Janeiro (Pitanguy) 1999; 2:72-79.

The use of tissue expanders in burn sequelae (Pitanguy) 2000; 3:59-64.

Carotid arteries:
Value of carotid endarterectomy in patients aged over 60 years (Bernardes) 2000; 3:36-39.

Carotid endarterectomy:
Value of carotid endarterectomy in patients aged over 60 years (Bernardes) 2000; 3:36-39.

Cataract extraction:
Chandler maneuver following peribulbar anesthesia for reduction of intraocular pressure in facectomy (Melo) 2001; 4:29-31.

Ciliated cells of the middle ear mucosa: Scanning electron microscopy ( Rodrigues) 1998; 1:26-28.

A Nobel Peace Prize for the Santas Casas da Misericórdia (Ivamoto) 2003; 6:2-8.

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santos, the oldest Brazilian hospital (Ivamoto) 2003; 6:13-24.

Extra-hepatic manifestations of hepatitis C: case report (Fernandes) 2001; 4:26-28.

Bilateral intraocular cysticercosis: A case report (Garcia) 1998; 1:20-23.

Ear, middle:
Ciliated cells of the middle ear mucosa: Scanning electron microscopy ( Rodrigues) 1998; 1:26-28.

The launch of the Acta Medica Misericordiæ (Neves) 1999; 2:8-11.

The Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Rio de Janeiro (Zarur) 1999; 2:17-20.

Professor Augusto Paulino and the Misericórdia of Rio de Janeiro, (Paulino Netto) 1999; 2:21-23.

Victor Vallejo Fernandez, sixty two years of Misericordian medicine (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:24-26.

Ophthalmology and citizenship: Results of the project “Solidarity in Vision” in the country-side of the state of Pernambuco (Grottone) 1999; 2:34-37.

To the Misericordian medical community (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:42.

The Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Porto (Malheiros) 2000; 3:15-24.

The Santa Casa de Misericórdia of São Paulo (Pinto) 2000; 3:25-27.

The Santas Casas da Misericórdia (Ivamoto). 2001; 4:31.

Education, medical:
The Fifth Brazilian Congress of the History of Medicine at the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santos (Ivamoto) 2000; 3:42-50.

History of the National Academy of Medicine (Paulino Netto) 2004; 7: 7-10.

Esophagel diseases:
Esophageal leiomyoma: a case report (Barroso) 2004; 7: 16-17.

Facial hemiatrophy:
A new surgical option for Romberg’s Disease (Cardoso) 2000; 3:32-35.

Facial nerve:
Ramsay Hunt syndrome: case report (Secchi) 2000; 3:65-67.

Facial paralysis:
Ramsay Hunt syndrome: case report (Secchi) 2000; 3:65-67.

Femur fractures:
Bridging plate in comminuted fractures of the femur (Sgarbi) 1999; 2:30-33.

White atrophy with gangrene on the toe: A case report (Bernardes) 1998; 1:14-16.

Gastrointestinal hemorrhage:
Massive digestive hemorrhage due to intestinal tuberculosis after renal transplantation. Case report (Araujo) 2002; 5:7-11.

Head and neck neoplams:
Antibiotic prophylaxis in head and neck cancer surgery (Dedivitis) 2000; 3:28-31.

Health education:
The humanist referential landmarks of the Santas Casas da Misericórdia (Ivamoto) 2004; 7: 2-6.

Hepatitis C:
Extra-hepatic manifestations of hepatitis C: case report (Fernandes) 2001; 4:26-28.

Herpes zoster oticus:
Ramsay Hunt syndrome: case report (Secchi) 2000; 3:65-67.

Ciliated cells of the middle ear mucosa: Scanning electron microscopy ( Rodrigues) 1998; 1:26-28.

White atrophy with gangtrene on the toe: A case report (Bernardes) 1998; 1:14-16.

History of Medicine:
The Santas Casas da Misericórdia: Five centuries of philanthropy (Ivamoto) 1998; 1:11-13.

Women physicians in the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santos
(Morales) 1998; 1:24-25.

Acta Medica Misericordiæ, journal of the Misericordian medical community (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:6-7.

The launch of the Acta Medica Misericordiæ (Neves) 1999; 2:8-11.
The Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Rio de Janeiro (Zarur) 1999; 2:17-20.

Professor Augusto Paulino and the Misericórdia of Rio de Janeiro, (Paulino Netto) 1999; 2:21-23.

Victor Vallejo Fernandez, sixty two years of Misericordian medicine (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:24-26.

500 anos – O Mundo Unido pelas Misericórdias (Neves) 1999; 2:43.

The World United by the Misericórdias in Santos (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:50-57.

Acta Medica Misericordiæ, integrating the Santas Casas (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:45-49.

The Misericórdias at the end of the millenium (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:58-62.

Marie Curie and the French Academy of Sciences (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:89-90.

Half a millenium of Misericordian science, history, philosophy and art (Ivamoto) 2000; 3:2-6.

500 Years - The World United by the Misericórdias (Linhares) 2000; 3:10-14.

The Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Porto (Malheiros) 2000; 3:15-24.

The Santa Casa da Misericórdia of São Paulo (Pinto) 2000; 3:25-27.

Welcome message to the Congress (Neves) 2000; 3(suppl):1-2.

Fifth Brazilian Congress of the History of Medicine at the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santos (Ivamoto) 2000; 3(suppl):3-6.

Misericórdias, magnificent Lusitanian legacy (Ivamoto) 2000; 3 (suppl): 7-8.
A benefactor of the Acta Medica Misericordiae (Ivamoto) 2000; 3(suppl):12-13.

The Barra Grande Fortress, Santos bay major jewel (Ivamoto) 2000; 3(suppl):14-16.

Red Wind in Santos estuary (Ivamoto) 2000; 3(suppl):17-20.

The Fifth Brailian Congress of the History of Medicine at the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santos (Ivamoto) 2000; 3:42-50.

Opening speech for the Fifth Brazilian Congress of the History of Medicine (Lacaz) 2000; 3:51-54

Braz Cubas, Leonor of Lencastre, the seamen and the Lusitanian Misericórdias (Lacaz) 2000; 3:55-58.

Old images of the hospital of the Misericórdia de Santos and their artists (Ivamoto) 2001; 4:2-17.

The Misericórdias at the heart of history (Silva) 2001; 4:18-25.

The Santas Casas da Misericórdia (Ivamoto). 2001; 4:31.

The Divine Art (Ivamoto) 2002; 5:2-6.

The Day of the Misericórdias (Ivamoto) 2002; 5:12-17.

A Nobel Peace Prize for the Santas Casas da Misericórdia (Ivamoto) 2003; 6:2-8.

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santos, the oldest Brazilian hospital (Ivamoto) 2003; 6:13-24.

The humanist referential landmarks of the Santas Casas da Misericórdia (Ivamoto) 2004; 7:2-6.

History of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Coimbra (Sobral) 2004; 7:11-15.

History of the National Academy of Medicine (Paulino Netto) 2004; 7:7-10.

History of medicine, 16th century:
Acta Medica Misericordiæ, dedicated to the Santas Casas (Ivamoto) 1998; 1:5-6.

The Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santos: Historical synopsis (Ivamoto) 1998; 1:7-10.

Hospitals, voluntary:
Acta Medica Misericordiæ, dedicated to the Santas Casas (Ivamoto) 1998: 1:5-6.

The Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santos: Historical synopsis (Ivamoto) 1998; 1:7-10.
The Santas Casas da Misericórdia: Five centuries of philanthropy (Ivamoto) 1998; 1:11-13.

Message to the physicians of the Santas Casas da Misericórdia (Ivamoto) 1998:1:36.

Message to the presidents of the Santas Casas da Misericórdia (Neves) 1998; 1:37.

The launch of the Acta Medica Misericordiæ (Neves ML) 1999; 2:8-11.

Acta Medica Misericordiæ, journal of the Misericordian medical community (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:6-7.

The Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Rio de Janeiro (Zarur) 1999; 2:17-20.

Professor Augusto Paulino and the Misericórdia of Rio de Janeiro (Paulino Netto) 1999; 2:21-23.

Victor Vallejo Fernandez, sixty two years of Misericordian medicine (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:24-26.

To the Misericordian medical community (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:42.

500 anos – O Mundo Unido pelas Misericórdias (Neves) 1999; 2:43.

The World United by the Misericórdias in Santos (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:50-57.

Acta Medica Misericordiæ, integrating the Santas Casas (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:45-49.

The Misericórdias at the end of the millenium (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:58-62.

Half a millenium of Misericordian science, history, philosophy and art (Ivamoto) 2000; 3:2-6.

500 Years - The World United by the Misericórdias (Linhares) 2000; 3:10-14.

The Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Porto (Malheiros) 2000; 3:15-24.

The Santa Casa da Misericórdia of São Paulo (Pinto) 2000; 3:25-27.

World Congress of the Misericórdias in Santos: Message for the XXI Century and the Third Millenium (Ponte) 2000; 3: 7-9.

The Fifth Brazilian Congress of the History of Medicine at the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santos (Ivamoto) 2000; 3:42- 50.

Opening speech for the Fifth Brazilian Congress of the History of Medicine (Lacaz) 2000; 3:51-54.

Braz Cubas, Leonor of Lencastre, the seamen and the Lusitanian Misericórdias (Lacaz) 2000; 3:55-58.

Old images of the hospital of the Misericórdia de Santos and their artists (Ivamoto) 2001; 4:2-17.

The Misericórdias at the heart of history (Silva) 2001; 4:18-25.

The Santas Casas da Misericórdia (Ivamoto) 2001; 4:31.

The Divine Art (Ivamoto) 2002; 5:2-6.

The Day of the Misericórdias (Ivamoto) 2002; 5:12-17.

A Nobel Peace Prize for the Santas Casas da Misericórdia (Ivamoto) 2003; 6:2-8.

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santos, the oldest Brazilian hospital (Ivamoto) 2003; 6:13-24.

The humanist referential landmarks of the Santas Casas da Misericórdia (Ivamoto) 2004; 7:2-6.

History of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Coimbra (Sobral)
2004; 7:11-15.

Acta Medica Misericordiæ, dedicated to the Santas Casas (Ivamoto) 1998; 1:5-6.

The Santas Casas da Misericórdia: Five centuries of philanthropy (Ivamoto) 1998; 1:11-13.

The World United by the Misericórdias in Santos (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:50-57.

The Misericórdias at the end of the millenium (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:58-62.

Half a millenium of Misericordian science, history, philosophy and art (Ivamoto) 2000; 3:2-6.

500 Years - The World United by the Misericórdias (Linhares) 2000; 3:10-14.

The Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Porto (Malheiros) 2000; 3:15-24.

The Santa Casa da Misericórdia of São Paulo (Pinto) 2000; 3:25-27.

World Congress of the Misericórdias in Santos: Message for the XXI Century and the Third Millenium (Ponte) 2000; 3:7-9.

Polemics: The poetry of Martins Fontes (Ivamoto) 2000; 3(suppl):9-10.

Friendship (Ballerini). 2000; 3(suppl):11.

The Fifth Brazilian Congress of the History of Medicine at the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santos (Ivamoto) 2000; 3:42-50.

Opening speech for the Fifth Brazilian Congress of the History of Medicine (Lacaz) 2000; 3:51-54

Old images of the hospital of the Misericórdia de Santos and their artists (Ivamoto) 2001; 4:2-17.

The Misericórdias at the heart of history (Silva) 2001; 4:18-25.

The Santas Casas da Misericórdia (Ivamoto). 2001; 4:31.

The Divine Art (Ivamoto) 2002; 5:2-6.

The Day of the Misericórdias (Ivamoto) 2002; 5: 12-17.

A Nobel Peace Prize for the Santas Casas da Misericórdia (Ivamoto) 2003; 6: 2-8.

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santos, the oldest Brazilian hospital (Ivamoto) 2003; 6:13-24.

The humanist referential landmarks of the Santas Casas da Misericórdia (Ivamoto) 2004; 7:2-6.

History of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Coimbra (Sobral) 2004; 7:11-15

Internal fixation of fractures:
Bridging plate in comminuted fractures of the femur (Sgarbi) 1999; 2:30-33.

Intraocular pressure:

Chandler maneuver following peribulbar anesthesia for reduction of intraocular pressure in facectomy (Melo) 2001; 4:29-31.

Intubation, intratracheal:
Submental route for tracheal intubation inn maxillofacial surgery (Nogueira) 1999; 2:27-29.

Jaw fractures:
Submental route for tracheal intubation inn maxillofacial surgery (Nogueira) 1999; 2:27-29.

Kidney transplantation:
Massive digestive hemorrhage due to intestinal tuberculosis after renal transplantation. Case report (Araújo) 2002; 5:7-11.

Esophageal leiomyoma: a case report (Barroso) 2004; 7:16-17.

Surgical treatment of penile and scrotal lymphedema (Cardoso) 1998; 1:17-19.

Principles of reduction mammaplasty: Experience in the 38th Infirmary of the Santa Casa da Misericórida of Rio de Janeiro (Pitanguy) 1999; 2:72-79.

Microscopy, electron, scanning:
Ciliated cells of the middle ear mucosa: Scanning electron microscopy ( Rodrigues) 1998; 1:26-28.

Nobel Prize:
A Nobel Peace Prize for the Santas Casas da Misericórdia (Ivamoto) 2003; 6:2-8.

Nuclear Medicine:
Marie Curie and the French Academy of Sciences (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:89-90.

A study of the efficacy and tolerability of sibutramine in obese patients (Lemos) 2000; 3:68-71.

Ophthalmology and citizenship: Results of the project “Solidarity in Vision” in the country-side of the state of Pernambuco (Grottone) 1999; 2:34-37.

Acta Medica Misericordiæ, journal of the Misericordian medical community (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:6-7.

The launch of the Acta Medica Misericordiæ (Neves ML) 1999; 2:8-11.

To the Misericordian medical community (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:42.

Acta Medica Misericordiæ, integrating the Santas Casas (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:45-49.

The Misericórdias at the heart of history (Silva) 2001; 4:18-25.

Philosophy, medical:
The World United by the Misericórdias in Santos (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:50-57.

The Misericórdias at the end of the millenium (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:58-62.

Half a millenium of Misericordian science, history, philosophy and art (Ivamoto) 2000; 3:2-6.

500 Years - The World United by the Misericórdias (Linhares) 2000; 3:10-14.

The Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Porto (Malheiros) 2000; 3:15-24.

World Congress of the Misericórdias in Santos: Message for the XXI Century and the Third Millenium (Ponte) 2000; 3: 7-9.

Opening speech for the Fifth Brazilian Congress of the History of Medicine (Lacaz) 2000; 3:51-54.

Physicians, women:
Women physicians in the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santos (Morales) 1998; 1:24-25.

Extra-hepatic manifestations of hepatitis C: case report (Fernandes) 2001; 4:26-28.

Postoperative complications:
A post-abdominoplasty complication case (Nascimento) 1998; 1:33-35.

Principles of reduction mammaplasty: Experience in the 38th Infirmary of the Santa Casa da Misericórida of Rio de Janeiro (Pitanguy) 1999; 2:72-79.

Acta Medica Misericordiæ, journal of the Misericordian medical community (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:6-7.

The launch of the Acta Medica Misericordiæ (Neves ML) 1999; 2:8-11.

Acta Medica Misericordiæ, integrating the Santas Casas (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:45-49.

Marie Curie and the French Academy of Sciences (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:89-90.

Marie Curie and the French Academy of Sciences (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:89-90.

Saphenous vein:
Comparative study between Dacron prosthesis and internal safenous vein graft in above-knee femoro-popliteal bypass (Bernardes). 2003; 6:9-12.

Self concept:
Principles of reduction mammaplasty: Experience in the 38th Infirmary of the Santa Casa da Misericórida of Rio de Janeiro (Pitanguy) 1999; 2:72-79.

Social responsability:
Ophthalmology and citizenship: Results of the project “Solidarity in Vision” in the country-side of the state of Pernambuco (Grottone) 1999; 2:34-37.

Skin Transplantation:
A new surgical option for Romberg’s Disease (Cardoso) 2000; 3:32-35.

Laparoscopic splenectomy (Martins) 1999; 2:85-88.

Spinal fractures:
Criteria of instability in thoracic and lumbar spine fractures (Ferreira) 1998; 1:29-32.

Laparoscopic splenectomy (Martins) 1999; 2:85-88.

Laparoscopic splenectomy (Martins) 1999; 2:85-88.

Subclavian artery:
Subclavian steal syndrome: Case report (Bernardes) 1999; 2:38-41.

Professor Augusto Paulino and the Misericórdia of Rio de Janeiro (Paulino Netto) 1999; 2:21-23.

Victor Vallejo Fernandez, sixty two years of Misericordian medicine (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:24-26.

Antibiotic prophylaxis in head and neck cancer surgery (Dedivitis) 2000; 3:28-31.

Surgery, digestive:
Massive digestive hemorrhage due to intestinal tuberculosis after renal transplantation. Case report (Araújo) 2002; 5:7-11.

Surgery, endoscopic:
Laparoscopic splenectomy (Martins) 1999; 2:85-88.

Surgery, plastic:
Surgical treatment of penile and scrotal lymphedema (Cardoso) 1998; 1:17-19.

A post-abdominoplasty complication case (Nascimento) 1998; 1:33-35.

Principles of reduction mammaplasty: Experience in the 38th Infirmary of the Santa Casa da Misericórida of Rio de Janeiro (Pitanguy) 1999; 2:72-79.

The use of tissue expanders in burn sequelae (Pitanguy) 2000; 3:59-64.

Surgical flaps:
Surgical treatment of penile and scrotal lymphedema (Cardoso) 1998; 1:17-19.

A post-abdominoplasty complication case (Nascimento) 1998: 1:33-35.

The use of tissue expanders in burn sequelae (Pitanguy) 2000; 3:59-64.

Acta Medica Misericordiæ, dedicated to the Santas Casas (Ivamoto) 1998; 1:5-6.

The Santas Casas da Misericórdia: Five centuries of philanthropy (Ivamoto) 1998; 1:11-13.

Braz Cubas, Leonor of Lencastre, the seamen and the Lusitanian Misericórdias (Lacaz) 2000; 3:55-58.

The Santas Casas da Misericórdia (Ivamoto). 2001; 4:31.

Thoracic Surgery:
Esophageal leiomyoma: a case report (Barroso) 2004; 7:16-17.

White atrophy with gangtrene on the toe: A case report (Bernardes) 1998; 1:14-16.

Subclavian steal syndrome: Case report (Bernardes) 1999; 2:38-41.

Tissue expanders
The use of tissue expanders in burn sequelae (Pitanguy) 2000; 3:59-64.

Tuberculoma, intracranial:
Cerebral tuberculoma: Report of two cases (Fagundes-Pereyra) 1999; 2:80-84.

Cerebral tuberculoma: Report of two cases (Fagundes-Pereyra) 1999; 2;80-84.

Tuberculosis, gastrointestinal:
Massive digestive hemorrhage due to intestinal tuberculosis after renal transplantation. Case report (Araújo) 2002; 5:7-11.

Vascular surgery:
Comparative study between Dacron prosthesis and internal safenous vein graft in above-knee femoro-popliteal bypass (Bernardes). 2003; 6:9-12.

Bilateral intraocular cysticercosis: A case report (Garcia) 1998; 1:20-23.

Marie Curie and the French Academy of Sciences (Ivamoto) 1999; 2:89-90.



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